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Ollie Feels Fine by Toni Yuly

Where the Board Books Are

A very happy belated board book birthday to Ollie Feels Fine! Thank you to Little Bigfoot for sending me a copy! Since it's a very snowy New England afternoon It's nice to pick up a board book that reminds me that warmer weather is not too far off.

In this emotion-filled board book, Ollie experiences the ups and downs of feelings. Some happy, some sad, some angry, and some that come all at the same time. As Ollie and Ollie's friend Stella play in the ocean, Ollie suddenly gets swept away by a big wave and lands splat on the sand (illustration below). Ollie feels grumpy. (This illustration really made me chuckle.)

A board book that shows little ones that it's ok to feel emotions, Ollie feels better by the end of the book thanks to Ollie's friend Stella who reminds him that friends always feel good when they can help each other.



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