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Baby's Firsts by Nancy Raines Day & Illustrated by Michael Emberley

Where the Board Books Are

This summer has been such a busy time that unfortunately my posts have been less frequent. Charlesbridge Publishing generously sent me this review copy (among others) and I'm finally getting around to featuring it. I should be back on track with more frequent posts this fall.

Baby's Firsts by Nancy Raines Day with illustrations by Michael Emberley is a board book full of baby milestones from birth to one year. With illustrations of three different little ones, Baby's Firsts highlights moments like a baby's first cry, first meal, first burp, first smile, first laugh...the list goes on. Written in rhyme, I could see this board book being a popular first birthday gift or purchased for a slightly older sibling who might benefit from seeing what to expect during a baby's first year. The illustrations seemed a bit unimpressive and overly dramatic at times (do we really need to show a baby boy peeing on people?) but if you want that to be something you show your little one(s) then Baby's Firsts is a board book for you! One illustration that I particularly like, however, is of a dad kissing his little one.

Thank you again to Charlesbridge Publishing for sharing Baby's Firsts with me!


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