I'm sure many of you are already familiar with Sleep Like A Tiger by Mary Logue and Pamela Zagarenski from its original publication in 2012, but in case you weren't aware of its recent reappearance on shelves in board book format, I thought I'd share the good news.
A true gem, Sleep Like A Tiger is the story of a girl who, like many children, can't fall asleep. As the little girl goes through her bedtime routine---putting on her pajamas, washing her face, brushing her teeth, and finally climbing into her bed, she asks her parents, "Does everything in the world go to sleep?" This simple question takes the reader on a dreamy adventure as children see that all creatures, big and small, do sleep.
From the family dog curled up on the couch, to the cat stretched out by the fire, to the bats sleeping upside down, to the snails curled up like a cinnamon roll, or the strong tiger in the jungle, the book beautifully illustrates how sleep is not something to be feared but something that keeps us strong.
The little girl, tired now, snuggled deeper into her bed, "a cocoon of sheets, a nest of blankets...she folded her arms like the wings of a bat, she circled around like the whale, and curled-up like a snail...and like the strong tiger, fell, fast...asleep."
A book that catches the reader's eye with its stunning illustrations over and over again, author Mary Logue and illustrator, Pamela Zagarenski have created a classic.